
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Essay --

Childhood Obesity In The United States Childhood obesity is definitely a problem today because of the shocking levels that it has reached up to in the past couple of years. Genetics and the change of lifestyle and culture created children who are less healthy than people were in the last 20 years. Obesity is the result of these changes. There is a difference between being overweight and being obese. Being overweight means a person’s weight is high in comparison to other people who are the same height. This does not have anything to do with one’s level of body fat. For example, someone could be heavier because he or she has a lot of muscle mass. â€Å"† (Roth). Obesity is when a person has a very high amount of body fat in comparison to his or her lean body mass. Obesity in America increased by eleven percent between 1991 and 2003. A different study showed a comparison between 1988-1994 to 1999- 2000. The percent comparing these two periods of overweight kids increased an average of 4.1 percent for tho se between the age of two and nineteen. Recent research is doing a good job so far by the real reasons of obese children. Scientists are doing this by looking closely at nutrition and genetics. A high glycemic index comes from simple carbohydrates. For the body to digest these simple carbs it must produce lots of insulin, which lowers one’s blood sugar and makes them feel hungry. Carbs that are Complex have a lower glycemic index and do not need as much insulin to digest, making one’s blood sugar not as low. This means people do not feel as hungry as soon after eating these foods. One experiment showed children who ate foods with a low glycemic index for breakfast were not as hungry at lunch resulting in the child eating less food. Childr... ...tion classes because of problems with money. They use the money on other academic classes. Another factor that contributes to childhood obesity is that more parents are working late, which leads to fewer family meals. This results in ordering more food from restaurants, which is usually higher in fat content. Another environmental factor is that in major cities, there is less room for children to play. Some parents are able to send their children to after-school gyms and activities, but those cost money and require transportation. These are two things that not all parents have. This problem is conflict theory. In conclusion, children are getting fatter everyday. However, scientist and researchers are finding many ways to get rid of this problem. They have done a good job so far and eventually most people will be aware the importance of a healthy diet and exercise.

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